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The Keeps Bed
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Creative Direction: Parker
Photography: Kyle Johnson
Copywriting: Thomas E. McCracken
Our challenge in developing the keeps identity was to design something that felt high-end, but wouldn’t immediately be confused for something that’s mass produced. “Fast furniture sucks” became our driving phrase as we made creative decisions through brand strategy, positioning, and through the brand’s development.
The brand mark speaks to nature and growth; the roots of making things by hand with natural materials. Our custom typeface,
We worked with Kyle Johnson to create a suite of photography to support the brand launch. Our goal was to emphasize the brand's commitment to responsible production and its promise to plant 100 trees for every bed purchased.
Lifestyle & Product Photography
The Keeps packaging system reduces waste and simplifies fulfillment. A single box provides room for all bed sizes.
Print Material
Keeps stationery and print material are sourced from recycled papers. Packaging inserts, business cards and posters provide a playground for the typographic systems and color to play.
Andrew, Co-Founder & Designer